Anyone use
I've been hearing about Reddit for a while now (especially from this one guy named Aaron), but these days I'm pretty reluctant to subscribe to any new forms of social media. It just feels like too much of a commitment (time is money).
Today I finally gave in and became a Reddit user. So far, I'm pretty impressed. It's like a peer reviewed forum for smart people that actually has content relevant to, well, pretty much anything you can think of.
If you'd like to find me on Reddit, my user name is
alexstefansson. (How's that for creativity?)
If you were a Reddit user and also happened to stalk me, you would no doubt already know that for this weekend only, my epic train-wreck of a coming-of-age novel,
Paradise Squandered, is free all weekend as an eBook on
Yeah, that's right. Coupon code VQ82Z will let you download my book for free through 4/28/13 in any eBook format from Smashwords.
And then 4/29/13 is my birthday, so (because once you begin reading Paradise Squandered, you won't be able to put it down) you can repay my generosity then. :)
And also, train-wreck in the aforementioned instance is a positive description. If you've already read the novel, you probably understand.
It's like that line in the movie, Burn After Reading:
For some, coming-of-age isn't all that enlightening.